Lots of people live with an unhealthy gut which can cause a range of unwelcome symptoms. Here are three common signs you can look out for that indicate your gut health is out of whack.

Gas and bloating

You don’t naturally create the right enzymes to breakdown some fibres, particularly prebiotic fibres. Your gut microbiome does that job for you! And your good gut bacteria typically love it. But they can become overwhelmed. If your gut is out of balance then you can experience uncomfortable gas and bloating. One way to tackle this is to gradually feed up the good gut bacteria so they grow in numbers and can cope with more and more fibre.

If you have ongoing gas and bloating then always consult a medical professional to eliminate any underlying health conditions.

Sugar cravings

SUGAR, SUGAR, SUGAR! That’s the chant of some less helpful parts of your gut microbiome, particularly some yeasts. The more you feed them, the louder that chant seems to be. Your good gut bacteria, however, want other types of food to do well, prebiotic food. Not sugar.

 If you’re regularly craving sugar then it could be a sign that your gut is out of balance and the chant of those pesky parts of your gut microbiome are too loud. Try starving them to reduce their numbers and give your good gut bacteria a boost with some fermented and prebiotic foods.

Low mood and energy

They call your gut your second brain for a reason. It sends signals all over your body. The health of your gut can impact how you feel by which happy or stress chemicals you’re producing and to what levels.

Your gut health will also impact your vitamin creation and absorbtion which can impact overall energy levels.

Gut health and energy is a big topic so we’ll chip away at it in future emails and boxes!

"Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food."

Hippocrates – one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine
