Gut supporting food and drink


A range of prebiotic and gut health inspired food and drink boxes. An ideal gift for you or someone else. 

Each box comes with hand-picked food and drink to help you weave more prebiotics into your life.

You also get a mini magazine containing information on how to get started with improving your gut health. Including food, drink and so much more.

Want to learn if sugar is really that bad for you? Or what counts as a prebiotic? You can learn while you chow down on the deliciously prebiotic food and drinks included in each box – many sourced from other UK start-ups. 

Ultimate prebiotic snack box

Savoury, fruity, chocolatey, refreshing drinks and something a bit different. A great range of snacks for all the family. Or just you! 

This ultimate prebiotic and gut supporting snack box delivers on taste satisfaction and helps you weave more gut supporting ingredients into your life.

What's the difference between probiotics and prebiotics?


Live microorganisms

Also known as gut flora or microbiome

Feed off prebiotics to create postbiotics

prebiotics vs probiotic foods monthly subscription boxes


Food source for probiotics

Non-living plant fibres

Contained in lots of food and drinks

"Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food."

Hippocrates – one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine
